DF 6830

Julianus, penitentiarians regens, biskop av Bertinoro
Paulus Scheel, the archpriest of Turku, requests dispensation to serve in his orders and at the altar despite a defect and deformity in his left thumb, which was destroyed when Paulus was on the Russian border with the bishop of Turku to defend the Catholic faith, and an explosive – or part of one – was fired, cutting his thumb off. The regent Julianus, bishop of Bertinoro, grants Paulus dispensation, on condition that the defect is not so great that it causes a scandal among the people and constitutes an impediment in the divine service.
Index terms: Pope and the Curia, Registers and protocols.
Archival sources:
Source editions:
Auctoritate Papae. The Church Province of Uppsala and the Apostolic Penitentiary 1410–1526. Sara Risberg (edition), Kirsi Salonen (introduction). Stockholm: National Archives of Sweden 2008.
- Julianus, penitentiarians regens, biskop av Bertinoro
Paulus Scheel, the archpriest of Turku, requests dispensation to serve in his orders and at the altar despite a defect and deformity in his left thumb, which was destroyed when Paulus was on the Russian border with the bishop of Turku to defend the Catholic faith, and an explosive – or part of one – was fired, cutting his thumb off. The regent Julianus, bishop of Bertinoro, grants Paulus dispensation, on condition that the defect is not so great that it causes a scandal among the people and constitutes an impediment in the divine service.
Source: Auctoritate Papae. The Church Province of Uppsala and the Apostolic Penitentiary 1410–1526. Sara Risberg (edition), Kirsi Salonen (introduction). Stockholm: National Archives of Sweden 2008.
Language: English
Language: English
(Penitentiarians) regens Julianus, biskop i Bertinoro, beviljar Påvel Scheel, ärkepräst i Åbo, dispens att tjänstgöra trots en deformerad tumme. Tummen skadades av en explosion när Påvel befann sig vid den ryska gränsen tillsammans med biskopen i Åbo för att försvara den kristna tron. Dispensen beviljas på villkor att defekten inte är så allvarlig att den kan orsaka skandal bland folk eller utgör ett hinder för att fira gudstjänst.
Source: Svenskt Diplomatariums huvudkartotek över medeltidsbreven.
Language: Swedish
Language: Swedish
Auctoritate Papae
Vatikaani, Archivum Secretum Vaticanum, Archivio della Penitenzieria Apostolica
Svenskt Diplomatariums huvudkartotek över medeltidsbreven (SDHK)